Monday, January 22, 2007

Tickle Quizzes

Okay.. i was really really bored and procrasinating (yes yes i do that!) with my hwk so.. n_n
Oh and i didnt retake any of the tests to try and change the results. i swear.

Your true color:
Adrian, your true color is Black!

Your color is black. The color of night. Serene and mysterious, black conjures up images of elegant evening gowns, dashing tuxedos, and gleaming limousines. Traditionally a symbol of success, black also represents power and an uncompromising demand for perfection. Not surprisingly, you tend to set challenging goals for yourself and do whatever it takes to achieve them — your strength of character is second to none. This unfaltering determination, along with your natural elegance, impresses people. But keep in mind that your personality might be intimidating to some. Try to temper your demanding side with a little softness — trust us, it won't kill you. Overall, though, black is the color of professionalism and achievement, which means it's clearly the color for you.

Right on!

The Enneagram Test - The ancient science of personality

Adrian, you're a Type 1 - The Idealist

Friends, family, and colleagues probably appreciate you for both your high standards and commitment to excellence. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, they can trust you to be fair and objective. As an Idealist, you're likely to be seen as a wise and balanced person with strong integrity.

Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Jane Fonda with her knack for athletic ideals and commitment to standing up for just causes, and Ralph Nadar, with his idealistic determination as a consumer advocate, are also Type 1s.

This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of what's right and wrong. In fact, you're someone who is typically committed to doing the right thing and making sure you're as good a person as you can be — no matter what situation arises.

Hmm.. not so sure about this one..

What color is your aura?

We don't need a psychic to tell us that you're giving off a Turquoise vibe. Turquoise types are often intelligent, energetic leaders. Vibrant and dynamic, you take center stage wherever you go; people are naturally drawn in by your charismatic nature. You love to learn, and you excel at remembering facts and figures. More than likely, you're a go-getter with your eyes on the prize. Respect and influence tend to come to you easily, but that doesn't mean you sit around waiting for them. What fun is achieving something if getting there isn't a challenge? Always pushing your limits, you'd be a natural on Survivor — a healthy competitive instinct and a willingness to take risks means you usually reach your goals. You like to look, feel, and act your best; if all those ducks are in a row, nothing's gonna get in your way.

hmm.. i dont really like turquoise.. but the characteristic sounds right. survivor? bleh they forgot about physical poweress >.>

Your lucky number

Adrian, your lucky number is number Five

Hey there, smarty pants! You Number 5s might wear that nickname well because you're pretty clever—sometimes too clever for your own good. You have an incredible thirst for knowledge, but you don't glean all your information from books. As your Observer moniker suggests, you divine information from watching others—but not always from an up close and personal perspective. That doesn't mean you're not good one-on-one, however. In fact, you'd probably prefer an intimate setting with intelligent conversations over a rockin' party with a crossfire of smack talk. You've got a brain like a sponge and the work ethic to wring it dry. Whether it's finding a cure for cancer, solving a crime, researching the great American novel, building a house, or designing the next killer application, your wisdom is vast, Master 5. Just be careful you don't trip that nerd alarm on your way to the Nobel prize. Other 5s who share your creative bent? Georgia O'Keefe, Isaac Newton, and Stanley Kubrick.

awesome! newton~
i still like XIII tho.. >.>

Adrian, you're smartest when it comes to linguistic intelligence

Being linguistically intelligent means that you have a knack for using words and language. As a result, you've probably noticed that you have a greater gift for expressing yourself than most people around you. In fact, you might be known in your circle of friends as something of a wordsmith.

Whether writing or speaking, you're the type to get your point across with both precision and flair. At times, this can make you a very persuasive communicator. By choosing the right words at the right time, you can clearly express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings to others. This can be a crucial skill in both your professional and personal life.

correct again! XP

okay i gotta stop procrasinating. >.>

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Funny Vids!!

omgeeee this clip is sooo bloody funny XDXD its wrong too but whatever XD

xiang yi and hugo were like imitating the gun bit it was SOO FUNNY.. they were like doing it in the corridors then ppls passing them were like omfgwtf?

this vid aint half bad either. hahahaha the lyrics are really funny XD and the animations are pretty decent..

oh. my. god. this clip is the funniest thing EVER. i mean seriously. XDXD

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Negima is this awesommmee manga by Ken Atamatsu!

ok now thats out of the way..

its a rather.. how should i put it... its a boy comic. that is to say, most girls avoid it unless they posess some special... feelings for other... members of the same.. uh.. gender. yeah.

aaaanyway, i just wanted to put up a few of the pactio cards i found while digging around google.

a pactio is a contract formed between a wizard (magus, pl. : magi) and a suitable person that would serve as their bodyguard (minister pl. : ministra?). these cards are formed by "probationary contracts" which are like temporary contracts, as opposed to real contracts. they allow the magus to contact their minister telepathically, summon them to the magus' position, infuse them with an augmentary magic power and give them a special weapon. (that was all in my own words so dont go preaching about credits and citing)

aaanyway. below are the cards that ive seen so far.. pretty!

Kagurazaka Asuna.
Warrior-type fighting, hence the sword.

Miyazaki Nodoka.
Librarian, loves books. Her book lets her see the thoughts and happenings of other people and other places.

My personal favorite..

Sakurazaki Setsuna.
Extremely skilled swordsman of the Shinmei school. Also has a pair of angel-like wings growing out of her back, a fact that she is shy about. very shy about.

n_n ask me if you wanna borrow them~ cuz they rlli rlli rlli good!


All you see in us are flaws, yet you fail to see the flaws in yourself.

-Kudos Em

Sunday, January 07, 2007

W.B. Yeats - The Second Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre,
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world...

-W.B. Yeats

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Woohoo i finally got the pictures, so i can finally update! yay!

okok.. so.

First day of the trip was the 23rd of December. And guess what we did for basically the entire day. Travel. i mean sheesh it took us 4 hrs on the plane, then around 6 hours by car. >.> ah well it wasnt too bad.. my dad let me read to pass the time n_n

We stayed at La Neige that night because my mom's friend had suggested it to her because of the good food.. i loved the weather! it was cold but not windy, and there was some snow! n_n it would get better up on the slopes.. The food was pretty good.

The living place is way cooler.. its this cosy log cabin thats rlli warm and nice! it rli looks like one of those old log cabins that people lived in before
Me in front of the log cabin

Next day, Breakfast at La Neige, checkout and departure for Tokyu hotel. Thats the place where we would stay for the rest of the trip.. but disaster! normally you can ski all the way from the top of the mountain to the hotel.. now theres no snow except for near the top!! o.o Cursed global warming.

Good thing is that we would be learning so we wouldnt miss out on too much - we wouldnt need much snow anyway. we went skiing to check it out.. i wasnt comfortable with skiing and stuff. miserable. Good thing is we met an instructor for this place called EOC - Evergreen Outdoor Center. Nice guy and his first language is ENGLISH!! lucky break for us, cuz we didnt know where the instructor we had booked online was. We went to the EOC around 7 to arrange the lesson and get our boards. omg i loved my board!! Its white, and graffiti designs stretch from the middle to the bottom.. it looks rlli cool! also its brand new.. no scratches or nicks or anything!
my brother also got a pretty cool one but i sitll like mine better!

Me and Austin w/ our snowboards

We also signed up for a snowshoeing trip the next morning, and that was pretty interesting too.

Day 3, we got to the EOC around 9, waited until 10 for the other people >.> and then we set off.. the snowshoes are bloody hard to put on but they're rlli cool. they let you walk on deep snow without falling in, and they give you a rlli good grip.


At the end of the trip we all went sledding! my first attempt was i ran then tried to kneel on the sled. instead i caught the back edge, the front came up and whacked me on the nose rlli hard and i rolled over facing the sky. when my head stopped spinning, i sat up and found that the snow around me was soaked with blood. it was dripping fast from my nose and everything.. in the end i stopped it but still it was pretty freaky.

i managed to sled in the end by sitting down and steering with my hands on the snow.. it was pretty fun!


Wham! Collision!

After snowshoeing, we went for our snowboarding lesson. we learned how to skate, that is snowboard short distances with one foot unstrapped. that was quite hard cuz you gotta have good balance. we learned J-turns, both sides. i progressed the farthest, along with a 20-something Australian named Trent (g'day to you mate!). by the end of the lesson, i could link turns well. however iwas turning big and ugly.. i wanted to be able to shoom down the mountain like those other snowboarders do!

That night back at the hotel we discovered a stall where you could make your own silver jewlery.. my brother made one for my sister and i made one for myself. it was rlli interesting! we got silver in packets, then shaped them by cutting and/or moulding the silver. then we polished it with three different materials, heated it in the portable furnace, scratched off the dust twice to make it shiny, embedded small gems and then put it on a chain! its rlli complicated and stuff. my brother made a heart, so his was easier - he followed the book. i made one from scratch so it took me two sessions, about 4 hrs! the girl was rlli nice.. she let us do everything and was rli patient - the first night we stayed until 11, but she was supposed to close at 10. n_n im happy with the result~

My pendant

Day 4 and 5 was pretty similar - we learned and then practised. by the end of day 5, i was pretty happy with the snowboarding.. i could turn pretty well on blue slopes even when they were ungroomed! oh well next time we go to a land with snow, ill definately learn until i can shoom!

This was rlli a trip to remember.. if there had been more snow. Still, we learned to snowboard! thats gotta count for something!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Me n Shiniken Photo

Me 'n Shiniken~

Name Jokes

Highlight the space under the question to see the name!

What do you call a guy that got buried?

What do you call a guy that did not get buried?

What do you call a guy that did not have sex?

What do you call a guy that has a lot of spears?

What do you call a guy that likes rattling weapons?

What do you call a guy that lost his car?

What do you call a guy that likes lying in front of a door?

What do you call a girl that wants to be a boy and keeps on saying "duh"?

What do you call a guy that likes to move his head up and down?

What do you call a guy that always uses his 15 credit cards?

What do you call a couple that likes crafting weapons?
Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

What do you call a girl that is chicken?

What do you call a guy that is on the phone right now?

What do you call a guy that always grades your tests?

What do you call a guy that likes stealing?

What do you call a girl that is stealing right now?

Kudos to Xiang Yi for coming up with the jokes with me XD

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Some holiday this is.