Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Woohoo i finally got the pictures, so i can finally update! yay!

okok.. so.

First day of the trip was the 23rd of December. And guess what we did for basically the entire day. Travel. i mean sheesh it took us 4 hrs on the plane, then around 6 hours by car. >.> ah well it wasnt too bad.. my dad let me read to pass the time n_n

We stayed at La Neige that night because my mom's friend had suggested it to her because of the good food.. i loved the weather! it was cold but not windy, and there was some snow! n_n it would get better up on the slopes.. The food was pretty good.

The living place is way cooler.. its this cosy log cabin thats rlli warm and nice! it rli looks like one of those old log cabins that people lived in before
Me in front of the log cabin

Next day, Breakfast at La Neige, checkout and departure for Tokyu hotel. Thats the place where we would stay for the rest of the trip.. but disaster! normally you can ski all the way from the top of the mountain to the hotel.. now theres no snow except for near the top!! o.o Cursed global warming.

Good thing is that we would be learning so we wouldnt miss out on too much - we wouldnt need much snow anyway. we went skiing to check it out.. i wasnt comfortable with skiing and stuff. miserable. Good thing is we met an instructor for this place called EOC - Evergreen Outdoor Center. Nice guy and his first language is ENGLISH!! lucky break for us, cuz we didnt know where the instructor we had booked online was. We went to the EOC around 7 to arrange the lesson and get our boards. omg i loved my board!! Its white, and graffiti designs stretch from the middle to the bottom.. it looks rlli cool! also its brand new.. no scratches or nicks or anything!
my brother also got a pretty cool one but i sitll like mine better!

Me and Austin w/ our snowboards

We also signed up for a snowshoeing trip the next morning, and that was pretty interesting too.

Day 3, we got to the EOC around 9, waited until 10 for the other people >.> and then we set off.. the snowshoes are bloody hard to put on but they're rlli cool. they let you walk on deep snow without falling in, and they give you a rlli good grip.


At the end of the trip we all went sledding! my first attempt was i ran then tried to kneel on the sled. instead i caught the back edge, the front came up and whacked me on the nose rlli hard and i rolled over facing the sky. when my head stopped spinning, i sat up and found that the snow around me was soaked with blood. it was dripping fast from my nose and everything.. in the end i stopped it but still it was pretty freaky.

i managed to sled in the end by sitting down and steering with my hands on the snow.. it was pretty fun!


Wham! Collision!

After snowshoeing, we went for our snowboarding lesson. we learned how to skate, that is snowboard short distances with one foot unstrapped. that was quite hard cuz you gotta have good balance. we learned J-turns, both sides. i progressed the farthest, along with a 20-something Australian named Trent (g'day to you mate!). by the end of the lesson, i could link turns well. however iwas turning big and ugly.. i wanted to be able to shoom down the mountain like those other snowboarders do!

That night back at the hotel we discovered a stall where you could make your own silver jewlery.. my brother made one for my sister and i made one for myself. it was rlli interesting! we got silver in packets, then shaped them by cutting and/or moulding the silver. then we polished it with three different materials, heated it in the portable furnace, scratched off the dust twice to make it shiny, embedded small gems and then put it on a chain! its rlli complicated and stuff. my brother made a heart, so his was easier - he followed the book. i made one from scratch so it took me two sessions, about 4 hrs! the girl was rlli nice.. she let us do everything and was rli patient - the first night we stayed until 11, but she was supposed to close at 10. n_n im happy with the result~

My pendant

Day 4 and 5 was pretty similar - we learned and then practised. by the end of day 5, i was pretty happy with the snowboarding.. i could turn pretty well on blue slopes even when they were ungroomed! oh well next time we go to a land with snow, ill definately learn until i can shoom!

This was rlli a trip to remember.. if there had been more snow. Still, we learned to snowboard! thats gotta count for something!


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