Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Ok, i changed the title description slightly cuz its stupid to think that i can post up that much poetry. n_n

A thief can steal my money,
A thief can steal my life,
But only you can steal what you stole,
Because you're the one who stole my heart.

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Thrill of the Hunt

Ok, so here is my second post. For those of you that actually took the time to look at my MSN space, thank you and just bear with me. This is another poem from my MSN space and after this i'll start posting new poetry.

This is inspired by the way i think of myself as - a lone wolf.

My paws pad softly in the winter snow,
I make no sound, only my frosty breath shows.
Moving with purpose, slinking silently,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

The air is cold but my body is warm,
Adreneline heats me up, this is the norm.
Dashing to cover, peeking through trees,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

I see my prey, a limping, injured deer,
My sixth sense lets me detect its fear.
It does not know I am there, that it is no longer free,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

It flicks his head from side to side,
From every direction he fearfully shies.
I move in closer, still he doesn't see,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

With a leap, I strike,
With power, speed and might.
My strike is as powerful as the waves of the sea,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

His leg is lame, the fight is mine,
With deadly intent my eyes do shine.
His lame leg's treatment, his life is his fee,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

I stand over his body, his throat in my mouth,
His blood seeps into the snow, flowing, heading south.
His life, gone : he died in a blind alley,
The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

My victory is mine alone,
My determination is steadfast - a stone.
Other animals look and see,
that The thrill of the hunt courses through me.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

My Loss of Humanity

Ok this is my first post on my new blog. Kinda wierd. Kinda random. Yeah. I mean the blog, not my poetry.. jeez what do you take me for. Aaaanyway.

the darkness of night washes over my body,
erasing all the pain, mistakes and follies.
i embrace the dark, fall into its depths,
the darkness has commited many many thefts.

it stole my humanity, it stole my life,
but in return it ended all my strife.
i am a creature of the night, now i'm reborn,
out of the darkness i come- your life will soon be torn.

i have completely forsaken my humanity,
lost all notion of my previous identity.
all i know is the power of the night,
and the insatable thirst for blood.

the blood runs fast, my blade stained red,
i take pride in this show of merciless bloodshed.
i have taken the identity of a shinigami,
all in my way, look on and fear me.

my thirst for blood will never be quenched,
i will kill until there is nothing but the bloody stench.
pain is my food, blood is my drink,
my humanity has been pushed over the brink.

i worship death, i am its vessel,
through me death will flourish and nestle.
the pain is absolute, planted in the bodies of my tormentors,
my pain is nulified by their ungodly tremors.

they are still alive, clinging to conciousness,
they are enduring their final, deadly test.
emotionlessly i push them over the edge,
no more will they torment me on humanity's ledge.

my vengance is done, my revenge compelte,
their punishment is my heruclean feat.
my deed done, i fade into the dark,
i will cause death, bright and stark.

so ends my story, i wish it were true,
the power to kill- this dream i continuously rue.
if i could kill my tormentors, my life would be complete,
their death to me would be my very own treat.

I'm working on making my blog look nicer.. be patient!