Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Zomg ok todays PE class was the best one so far... we played GLADIATORRRRRR!!~

omg i wish we had taken some fotos they woulda come out beautiful. aanyway..

i grabbed 2 coites alltogether XP kudos to XY and cyrus, they tought me the value of rushing in at the start.. lol the first time i ran stragiht down the left and Sarah was blocking the doorway to the coits. i just kept on running and she screamed like hell, right in my ear. i think i rammed her but not sure XP sorry sarah if i did. i grabbed the coit and ran back out.. and sarah yelled straght in my other ear. u.u *digs in ear* still ringing.

the second one was just as fun.. ran in, grabbed it and ran out. it was kinda confusing cuz they had our palace maze thingy that we took ages to start up, and there was justin kwong standing like in the hoop i was like o.o where are the coits.. then matilda came in and found them in the dark corner thingy. i grabbed one and she grabbed one and i just ran like hell.. i think some people said i cheated or sth but i didnt feel anything..

haiz.. tough shit is that 2 people twisted ankles, ee leng and ernest the tree.. hope u feeling beta em.

dude my entire left side is kinda tingly. in the second round, i was going for the coits.. sunyan threw his ball at me rlli rlli hard and i managed to block it with my ball, but still it took away my time and i was heading straght for him.. whammo. i slammed into him and he got knocked to the floor.. i fell too and managed to twist so that i didnt land on him. i got up faster than him then was promptly hit by a ball. u.u"

gladiator ranks as one of my favorite games... the adren' rush is incredible.. heart pumping non stop and i didnt wanna stop. need to play more dudes! hopefully we'll play before cny again XP


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