Saturday, November 04, 2006


Just within the last hour my experience has changed considerably. I was feeling fustratedbecause my conversations with some people weren't going anywhere. normally just practising and cutting down imaginary enemies with my wakizashi (japanese short sword) is good enough, but today it didnt work. i got restless and threw a piece of paper up and tried to cut it. i missed over and over. i got more and more furious, until i got so mad that i focused all my power into my arm. i imagined my rage as a ball of fire, uncontrollable and untamed. i pounded it into shape, until it was a bar of blinding fire. i moved it and imbedded it into my blade. i tossed the piece of paper in the air. it fluttered down slowly.. with confidence i brought my sword up and just sliced down with all my might, imagining the flame bursting into life. it connected with the piece of paper perfectly, and when i picked it up from the floor, a cut had appeared, running downwards, disecting it shortways. i was hooked. the sharp crack as it contacted, the feeling of satisfaction as i saw the cut i made. i kept on doing it, until my fustration and rage was spent.. i had found a new doorway for my anger to rush out from. it was not easy because the blade was blunt. only the tip was sharp, and to cut i had to slice the paper with it. it just felt so good.. the adrenaline and satisfaction rivaled that of paintballing.

I had to give my sword a name. i just had to. i felt bonded to it.. it was a part of me. it was the key to unleashing my emotions. i named it.. Shiniken. it only felt right that i give a japanese sword a japanese name, and i used my understanding of the language to name it.

Shiniken. The name means... Death Sword.


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