Monday, November 06, 2006

What I would do to my most hated enemy

I was daydreaming, and i suddenly asked myself, if you were exempt from all laws, could do whatever you wanted during 3 hrs and could turn back time and erase it all afterwards, what would you do? (I got this idea from Killing Spree, a great flash series at - look for Killing Spree I through IV) I thought of several things, but the most bloody idea was what i'd do to my greatest enemy.

First i'd hunt him down, kidnap him and take him to this torture chamber thingy. I'd zip him inside this boxing bag, string him up upside down and start beating the bag up really really hard. i'd let him out, and he'd be on the cold, hard floor with like completely screwed up body. Then, i'd kick him around the room. Really really hard. the floor would be like gravel or maybe bits of broken glass, and that would hurt like hell. then i'd string him upside down again, but stretch his body out - each limb stretched out, like a bizzare X shape. then the knife would come out. i'd heat the blade up until it was glowing red, then start carving some stuff into his flesh. i'd start light, so make them like shallow cuts. then i'd start cutting deeper and deeper, just avoiding fatal cuts. i'd start from the feet, moving up, then moving up the sides to his arms, back down to his gut, then up to his chest. there'd be like blood everywhere and stuff. then i'd put salt and sand into the cuts - the salt burning really bad and the sand getting it all infected. then i'd throw freezing water over his whole body. then, after he had been soaked, evaporate the water with like some hot flame. then still with the flame, start singing his whole body - burning it lightly so that he'd retain conciousness and feeling. then i'd use a brand and brand like all over his body, and each brand i'd pour pure alchohol onto it so that it'd burn like frickin mad. finally, i take a deagle, and start blasting his body into bits. start with the toes, then the fingers, then moving up his body and finally ending with a double shot into his heart and brain.

i doubt i'd ever do this and i would never have the stomach to do this. but its still satisfying to think about it. i wanted to do something to his eyes too, but i was feeling slightly queasy by then. it was still satisfying to plan out though. n_n


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a very nice, caring kid, aren't you, Adrian. Nice blog btw.

9:18 PM  

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