Thursday, November 30, 2006

Computer Addict Saying

A life??
Where do you download one of those!?

~Kudos Marine

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Faraway Vol. 2 - Apocalyptica, feat. Linda Sunblad

Beautiful song... it's NOT to you. you know who you are - i just like this song.

There's something in the way,
you're always somewhere else,
Feelings have deserted me
to a point of no return

I don't believe in God,
but I'll pray for you.

Don't you slip away from me,
it's you I live for don't you leave
Don't you slip away from me,
I'm vulnerable to your love

Don't let them get you,
stay away from the sun
It's too bright for you
Your eyes getting blurry,
stay, I'm crying your name

I don't believe in God,
but I'll pray for you.

Don't you slip away from me,
it's you I live for don't you leave,
No, don't you slip away from me,
I'm vulnerable to your love

There is something in the way,
you're always somewhere else,
Feelings have deserted me
to a point of no return

So the light fades out
and you're so close to losing

Don't you slip away from me, it's you I live for don't you leave
No, don't you slip away from me, I'm vulnerable to your love
Don't you slip away from me
It's you I live my life for
No don't leave

Don't you slip away from me,
I'm vulnerable to your love
Don't you slip away.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Night

The night envelopes the sky,
The prelude to the end that's nigh.
The night envelopes the earth,
The soil dampening the fire in the hearth.

The night envelopes the stars,
The emptying of the life-containing jars.
The night envelopes the ground,
The unveiling of the show that shocks and astounds.

The night envelopes the moon,
The genius becoming a blundering buffoon.
The night envelops the countryside,
The gurangutan feat of turning the tide.

The night envelopes the heavens,
The destruction of a proud mighty emblem.
The night envelops the city,
The onslaught of an army without pity.

The night envelops the clouds,
The wrapping of all in evil shrouds.
The night envelops the building,
The obliteration of crown, farthing and shilling.

The night envelopes the people,
The indiscrimination of the brave and fearful.
The night envelopes life,
The oncoming of war and strife.

Only I am spared of all,
A sword in my hand, standing tall.
I am the devoted weapon of the night,
Beware, mortals, beware my might.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Interesting Observation

This thought struck me when I was bantering with my friends about shit and farts and related subjects:

What is a fart?
A fart smells bad and comes out under great pressure. Therefore, we can conclude that something takes place in the large intestine to create this gas projectile called a "fart".

To sum it up:
A fart is vaporized shit.

Baby Hip Trio Vid

XDXD this movie is sooo blooody funny!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Wise Saying

This is a saying that one of my friends said on The Evil Empire forum, slightly adapted -

People who say a lot of things are knowledgeable;
People who know when not to say anything are wise.

-Kudos, Yukino

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Quotes - Hovercar Racer

These fab quotes are from Matthew Reily's Hovercar Racer, slightly adapted:

It's not how we win that defines us, it's how we lose. Winners come and go, but the loser who goes down fighting will live on forever in our hearts.

A hero is not a person who doesn't get afraid: a hero is a person who takes action even when they are afraid.

My add-ons:

It's not how we live that defines us, it's how we die. Brilliant people come and go, but the person who dies fighting will live on forever in our hearts.

A person who takes action when he is afraid is brave; A person who is not afraid of anything is stupid.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Ya mess with the best,
Ya bleed with the rest!

The purpose of goals

damn i forgot to post and now its alrdy past midnight. oh well...

The purpose of goals are
To let you know when you've failed.


Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Complexo Obscurum

The darkness is the absence of light,
The absence of guidance,
The absence of feeling.

Embrace the darkness...
Complexo Obscurum.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Atrum Nex Nuntius

Ego sum vestri nex.
Ego sum vestri poena.
Ego sum vestri dolor.
Ego sum Atrum Nex.
-Atrum Nex

Monday, November 20, 2006

True Hate

Hate is directed to many people:

The hate of a friend,
The hate of family,
The hate of classmate,
The hate of partner.

But True Hate only has one form:
True Hate is the hate of the one you love.

Marine of the Wired's Saying

Make them laugh.
They'll have a hard time shooting you.

Kudos Marine~

Sunday, November 19, 2006

True Death

Death has many forms:

The death of body,
The death of heart,
The death of mind,
The death of soul.

But True Death only has one form:
True Death is the death of memory.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

True Kindness

True kindness is doing something kind
For someone who will never know you.


Homework weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of despair.

Despair weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of pain.

Pain weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of hate.

Hate weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of vengance.

Vengance weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of revenge.

Revenge weighs me down,
Dragging me into the depths of death.

Death sets me free,
I fly once again.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Tears fall like rainwater,
Dripping from clouded eyes.
The eyelid sweeps them down the cheeks,
And they fall slowly down to earth.

Tears fall like snowflakes,
Spending an eternity in the air.
They land with scarcely a ripple,
Unnoticed in the midst of world-wide suffering.

Tears fall like hail,
Pounding their surroundings.
They pummel the ground, bruising and injuring,
Creating dents in the already-pockmarked ground.

Tears spread like ripples,
Spreading outwards, growing weaker.
They meet other ripples, and the flow strengthens,
They hit the sides, and start to bounce back in.

Tears fall from our faces,
Unknown to the rest of humanity.
One of us suffers, everyone else rejoyces
At times like these we wish for the tears to end.

Tears dry up,
Replacing sorrow with fury.
Fury is compressed, stamped into a bar,
Branded with the mark Vengance.

Vengance takes its hold,
Spreads its roots into the corners of our heart.
The sunlight is blocked out, darkness reigns
Death is the one true path.

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Life is a cage,
One that we can never escape.
All we can do
Is hope for the Keyholder to come free us.

Life is a fence,
One that holds us back from the world.
All we can do
Is hope for the Keyholder to let us through.

Life is a jail,
One that we suffer in daily.
All we can do
Is hope for the Keyholder to let us out.

Life is a room,
One with all the doors locked.
All we can do
Is hope for the Keyholder to open one of them.

Death is a door,
One that leads to everything you've wanted.
All we can do
Is hope for the Keyholder to open it for us.

The Keyholder goes by many names:
Angel of Death; Grim Reaper;
But its two most used names
Are Shiniken and Adrian.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Prayer is a cleansing of a soul.
Pain is a cleansing of a body.
Heartbreak is a cleansing of a heart.
Taunting is a cleansing of an ego.

Hate is a cleansing of a love.
Vengance is a cleansing of a guilt.
Mourning is a cleansing of a memory.
Death is a cleansing of a life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Never walk on the travelled path,
Because it only leads you to where others have been.
-Grahan Bell

Always there is a drop of madness in love;
Yet always there is a drop of reason in madness.
-F. Nietzshe

Time is very slow for those who wait,
Very fast for those who are scared;
Very long for those who lament,
Very short for those who celebrate;
But for those who love,
Time is eternity.
-William Shakespeare

Many lose the small joys
In hope for the big happiness.
-Pearl S. Buck

Why repeat the old errors
If there are so many new ones to commit?
-Bertrand Russel

Life can only be understood by looking behind;
But can only be lived by looking ahead.
-Soren Kierkegaard

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hit the Floor - Linkin' Park

There are just too many
Times that people have tried to look inside of me.
Wonderin' what i think of you
When i protect you outta courtesy.

Too many times that
I held on when I needed to push away.
Afraid to say what was on my mind,
Afraid to say what I needed to say.

Too many things that
You've said about me when i'm not around.
You think having the upper hand
Means you've gotta keep on pushin' me down.

But i've had too many stand-offs with you,
It's about as much as I can stand
So i'm waiting until the
Upper hand is mine.

So many people like me
Put so much trust in all your lies,
So concerned about what you think
To just say what we feel inside.

So many people like me
Walk on eggshells all day long,
All I know is that all I want
Is to feel like I'm not stepped on.

There are so many things you say
That make me feel you've crossed the line.
What goes up will surely fall
And i'm countin' down the time.

'Cuz i've had so many stand-offs with you
It's about as much as I can stand
So I'm waiting until
The upper hand is mine.

I know i'll never trust a single thing you say,
You knew your lies would divide us but you lied anyway.
And all the lies have got you floating up above us all,
But what goes up has got to fall...

Sunday, November 12, 2006


I will forget the words you said.
I will forget the things you did.
But the thing that I will never forget
Is the way that you made me feel.

(Kudos, Ee Leng)

Numb - Linkin' Park

I'm tired of being what you want me to be,
I'm feeling so faithless, lost under the surface.
Don't know what you're expecting of me,
Put under the pressure, of walkin' in your shooooooes
[Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow]
And every step that I take is another mistake to yoooooooou
[Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow]

I'VE, become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
Become so tired,
So much more a aware,
I'm becoming this,
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like you.

Can't you see that you're smothering me,
Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control,
'Cuz everything that you thought I would be,
Is falling apart, right in front of yoooooooooou
[Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow]
Every step that I take is another mistake to yoooooooou
[Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow]
And every second I waste is more than I CAN TAAAAKE,

I'VE, become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
Become so tired,
So much more a aware,
I'm becoming this,
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like yooou,

But I know, I may eeend up, faaaailing too,
But I know, you were just like me with someone dissapointed in yooou,

I'VE, become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
Become so tired,
So much more a aware,
I'm becoming this,
All I want to do
Is be more like me
And be less like yooou:

I'VE, become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
Tired of being what you want me to be.
I'VE, become so numb,
I can't feel you there,
Tired of being what you want me to be.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

To Think That

You know who you are: I answer you in your own way. You know who you are.

To think that I said those three words.
To think that I meant them with body, soul and heart.
To think that I rushed into this..
To think that I had been so naïve.

To think that I thought we could go through this.
To think that love could happen at our age. (Kudos SaraH)
To think that I was saddened by the events.
To think that I would say the words again.

To think that I wanted to talk to you.
To think that I lived for our MSN convos.
To think that I enjoyed every message we exchanged.
To think that I keep them with me, in computer and heart.

To think that our hearts feel the same.
To think that they can they can be viewed in a mirror.
To think that they are split, down the center.
To think that that cut can never be mended.

To think that that wound will heal over time.
To think that the scar will last for ever.
To think that only love can dampen the pain.
To think that the pain was worth it.

To think that I will not pretend.
To think that I will not lead my life behind a mask of indifference.
To think that I will be your friend, your friend and nothing more.
To think that I would do it all over again.

A Bucket of Water

A relationship is like a bucket,
Love is like water.
If you add love into the bucket,
You'll fill it up, drip by drip.

If you pour it in, the bucket might break.
If you put it in too slowly, the water might evaporate.
If you put it in just right,
You can keep it full overnight.

If the bucket is full,
Your relationship is fufilling.
If the bucket is empty,
You don't have one.

The above is just an observation. But the below is to a person, and she knows who she is.

If the bucket is full,
You can be happy.
But a wrong word or a mean action,
Drains a bit of the water away.

If you abuse the relationship,
You dip into that precious supply of water.
If you fill it up again,
You will once again be happy.

But the thing that you did,
That mean, terrible thing.
It was mean, unnecessary and hypocritical.
You say you never do it but you just did.

You didn't dip into the supply of water.
You didn't fill it back up.
You just poured the whole thing out,
And broke the bucket and burned the pieces.

You can make a new one,
But it will never be the same.
And the water you cast away,
You can never again reclaim.

Brood on that,
Think about it.
Because i know one thing for sure,
You showed me your true colors,
And they turned out to be white -
The color of a white lie.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Pain is an illusion of the body.
Despair is an illusion of the mind.
Love is an illusion of the heart.
Death is the illusion that I weave.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Remember the Name - Fort Minor

This is 10 percent luck,
20 percent skill,
15 percent concentrated power of will.

5 percent pleasure,
50 percent pain,
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name

He doesn't need his name up in lights,
He just wants to be heard, whether its the beat or the mike.
He feels so unlike everybody else, alone,
In spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
Well F**k 'em

He knows the code,
It's not about the salary
It's all about reality and making some noise,
Making a story, making sure his clique stays up
That means when he's putting it down Tak's pickin' it up.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Broken Promises

I promised you to keep you safe.
I could not.

I promised you to never cause you pain.
I did.

I promised you to keep your secret.
I could not.

I promised you to never leave.
I did.

I promised you to be there for you.
I could not.

I promised you to never ignore you.
I did.

I promised you to catch you when you fell.
I could not.

I promised you to never end your life.
I did.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


You are the master of your life.
I am the master of your death.

Monday, November 06, 2006

What I would do to my most hated enemy

I was daydreaming, and i suddenly asked myself, if you were exempt from all laws, could do whatever you wanted during 3 hrs and could turn back time and erase it all afterwards, what would you do? (I got this idea from Killing Spree, a great flash series at - look for Killing Spree I through IV) I thought of several things, but the most bloody idea was what i'd do to my greatest enemy.

First i'd hunt him down, kidnap him and take him to this torture chamber thingy. I'd zip him inside this boxing bag, string him up upside down and start beating the bag up really really hard. i'd let him out, and he'd be on the cold, hard floor with like completely screwed up body. Then, i'd kick him around the room. Really really hard. the floor would be like gravel or maybe bits of broken glass, and that would hurt like hell. then i'd string him upside down again, but stretch his body out - each limb stretched out, like a bizzare X shape. then the knife would come out. i'd heat the blade up until it was glowing red, then start carving some stuff into his flesh. i'd start light, so make them like shallow cuts. then i'd start cutting deeper and deeper, just avoiding fatal cuts. i'd start from the feet, moving up, then moving up the sides to his arms, back down to his gut, then up to his chest. there'd be like blood everywhere and stuff. then i'd put salt and sand into the cuts - the salt burning really bad and the sand getting it all infected. then i'd throw freezing water over his whole body. then, after he had been soaked, evaporate the water with like some hot flame. then still with the flame, start singing his whole body - burning it lightly so that he'd retain conciousness and feeling. then i'd use a brand and brand like all over his body, and each brand i'd pour pure alchohol onto it so that it'd burn like frickin mad. finally, i take a deagle, and start blasting his body into bits. start with the toes, then the fingers, then moving up his body and finally ending with a double shot into his heart and brain.

i doubt i'd ever do this and i would never have the stomach to do this. but its still satisfying to think about it. i wanted to do something to his eyes too, but i was feeling slightly queasy by then. it was still satisfying to plan out though. n_n

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Shiniken's Dance

Flashing in the light.
Gleaming, weaving.

Cutting through the air.
Slashing, slicing.

Striking the target.
Contact, power.

My anger, hatred and fustrations flow through it.

Paper fluttering in the air.
Floating, drifting.

Dancing through the light.
Light, carefree.

Twisting in the space.
Curling, twirling.

My anger, hatred and fustrations directed towards it.

The Dance:
My sword meets paper.
My emotions give it power.
My sword is part of me.
My sword signals the death of paper.

Flashing, gleaming, darting through the air.
Slicing, cutting, weaving around the paper.
The final strike stabs the paper through.
My emotions give the blade power.

Paper is no more.
Behold my sword in holy awe.
My blade, my sword,
My friend - Shiniken.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Just within the last hour my experience has changed considerably. I was feeling fustratedbecause my conversations with some people weren't going anywhere. normally just practising and cutting down imaginary enemies with my wakizashi (japanese short sword) is good enough, but today it didnt work. i got restless and threw a piece of paper up and tried to cut it. i missed over and over. i got more and more furious, until i got so mad that i focused all my power into my arm. i imagined my rage as a ball of fire, uncontrollable and untamed. i pounded it into shape, until it was a bar of blinding fire. i moved it and imbedded it into my blade. i tossed the piece of paper in the air. it fluttered down slowly.. with confidence i brought my sword up and just sliced down with all my might, imagining the flame bursting into life. it connected with the piece of paper perfectly, and when i picked it up from the floor, a cut had appeared, running downwards, disecting it shortways. i was hooked. the sharp crack as it contacted, the feeling of satisfaction as i saw the cut i made. i kept on doing it, until my fustration and rage was spent.. i had found a new doorway for my anger to rush out from. it was not easy because the blade was blunt. only the tip was sharp, and to cut i had to slice the paper with it. it just felt so good.. the adrenaline and satisfaction rivaled that of paintballing.

I had to give my sword a name. i just had to. i felt bonded to it.. it was a part of me. it was the key to unleashing my emotions. i named it.. Shiniken. it only felt right that i give a japanese sword a japanese name, and i used my understanding of the language to name it.

Shiniken. The name means... Death Sword.

Friday, November 03, 2006


Today rocked. Seriously. After school, i went with my bro and his friends to a paintball party. it's ironic, really, because i get invited by my brother's friends than dudes in my year. PBHQ was unchanged and pretty much everything was as it had been left as, besides more splatters of blood (i mean paint) on the walls.

The party rocked overall. We had like 6 games and stuff, and some dudes had to get like 2 refills of 100 bullets. i mean who the hell can use that much? its stupid. I scored a few good shots and got some dudes out.. but the problem was i was always the dude in the point of our spearhead. I always got picked off by some lousy camper that had some luckyass shot. one caught me on my pinky as i was dashing to cover; another dude got me in the knee while i was crouching. i mean wtf i was taking cover, but my knee was poking out and he just HAD to shoot me right there. gosh.

I felt really good when my team like backed me up. we advanced like a pro SEAL team - leapfrog formation. I'd advance, then i'd motion for the others to move up. they'd do the same and so on. it felt really good to be leading these guys.

I did some brave shaite in the game. i assulted the balcony guys alone.. unfortunately they spotted me and i got hit 5 times. i was like "IM HIT IM F***IN HIT" and they just kept on shooting me until i jumped off the stairs. i was like omfgwtf was that for. XP it was still bloody fun.

Man my adrenaline is still like sky-high.. wootwoot i love paintballing!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Me and my Sword

This poem's idea was given to me by Michelle.

My sword is a part of me,
We share the same fate, punishments and destiny.
We are extensions of each other,
Together forever and ever.

We fight, think, act as one;
Lesser partners we always shun.
To merge our souls is to reach power,
In this my sword and I over all else tower.

He slices into skin, carves into flesh,
Our moves are one, so tightly meshed.
Blood spurts onto me, my sword tastes and smiles,
Blood is the one thing that is not tainted or defiled.

My eyes reflect the gleam of my sword,
My sword's edge reflects my smile, pleasure we can afford.
My sword draws a spurt of blood, my body a spurt of adrenaline,
We are more terrifying than a shark's dorsal fin.

We are one, one soul in two bodies.
My mouth's grin is his edge, his shine is my eye's gleam.
To oppose us is nothing short of a folly.
Our power is like nothing you have ever seen.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


His eye to the scope,
His crosshairs on the target's head.
He has a smile on his face,
He prepares to shoot that deadly load of lead.

He is god,
He makes the rules.
He holds the scales of life and death,
Lives and rifles are his tools.

The sniper is god,
Judge, jury and excecutioner.
One shot, one kill,
His shot will never deter.

I am the sniper.
I am the excecutioner.
I can end your lives, swift and fast.
So enjoy every moment, because it may be your last.